IT Business Model: Case Study of TikTok


  • Jia Jia The University of Manchester



information technology (IT), IT business model, TikTok, Osterwalder framework


TikTok is a mobile app allowing users to create, share and watch short videos. It first appeared because of the creative idea of music short videos. Now it is many people's favourite app especially the young and is extended to other kinds of short videos and live streaming. The Success of TikTok depends on the innovation of information technology (IT), and creating a good IT business model is an important way to realize the software development of TikTok. IT business model is the key to the successful business of TikTok. This study aims to analyse TikTok’s IT business model with its concepts, theories and ITs based on the Osterwalder framework from nine aspects: key partners, key activities, key resources, value proposition, customer relationship, channels, customer segment, cost structure and revenue streams. IT business model can support the organization's business strategies and goals which helps TikTok to improve its commercial value and enhance its competitive ability in highly competitive markets.


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How to Cite

Jia, J. (2024). IT Business Model: Case Study of TikTok. Journal of Modern Social Sciences, 1(2), 269–276.


