Function of traditional culture in contemporary society: A case of Teochew opera in Malaysia


  • Ziqiao Lin Universiti Putra Malaysia
  • Songli Li
  • Xinchao Huang
  • Siyu Long



Malaysian Chinese culture; Teochew opera; traditional Chinese music; Cultural function and significance.


This article examines the function of Teochew opera in Malaysia and its significance for society, groups, and individuals. The study uses qualitative methods such as fieldwork, participant observation, and interviews to explore how this traditional art form maintains its relevance in a rapidly modernising society. The findings indicate that Teochew opera in Malaysia is not merely entertainment but serves multiple purposes: it serves as a vehicle for cultural identity preservation and amoral education within Malaysian Chinese communities and plays a crucial role in religious practices. Despite challenges such as declining interest among younger generations and the pressures from contemporary entertainment trends, Teochew opera remains an important cultural practice. It fosters intergenerational connections and sustains the community’s traditional values, contributing to the ongoing vitality of  Malaysian Chinese cultural heritage.


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How to Cite

Lin, Z., Li, S., Huang, X., & Long, S. (2024). Function of traditional culture in contemporary society: A case of Teochew opera in Malaysia. Journal of Modern Social Sciences, 1(2), 120–135.


