Based on Stanislavsky - Comparison between American method acting and Chinese acting system


  • Hao Zhang Candidate in Media Arts and Creative Technologies, RISEBA University of Applied Sciences, Latvia



Stanislavsky system, method acting, performing, Emotional Experience


The article studies how the Stanislavsky system has influenced the performing arts in China and the United States, as well as how it has changed in each nation. Method Acting originated in the US and was based on Stanislavsky's "experiential" approach. The performance style of American theater and film was significantly impacted by the performance system that Lee Strasberg and other American drama educators devised. This technique was based on emotional memory and role substitution. By emphasizing the actor's authentic emotional experience and role substitution, this technique has produced a number of internationally recognized actors, including Dustin Hoffman and Marlon Brando.

The Stanislavsky system was first used in China and quickly gained popularity, eventually forming the mainstay of Chinese performance education. China has developed a distinctive performance technique that incorporates the features of classical opera after decades of investigation and absorption. Performance is now understood in a variety of ways, particularly as a result of Mei Lanfang's methodology. This essay examines the development and distinctions between the Chinese and American performance systems, highlights the challenges of advancing the Method School in China, and suggests that, in light of globalization, collaboration and mutual learning between the Chinese and American performing arts are essential.


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How to Cite

Zhang, H. (2024). Based on Stanislavsky - Comparison between American method acting and Chinese acting system. Journal of Modern Social Sciences, 1(2), 81–88.


