Can Self Directed Learning Successfully Incorporated into Online Platforms


  • Moira Brown University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK
  • Ruijie Ma University of Glasgow,Glasgow, UK



online platforms, Self-directed learning, e-learning


With the rapid development of technology, self-directed learning (SDL) has gained significant attention in China's educational community as a flexible and adaptive learning approach. Online learning platforms are uniquely positioned to support SDL by allowing learners to engage with educational content according to their interests and needs. This article examines how to effectively integrate self-directed learning within online platforms and analyzes its influence on learners' autonomy, flexibility, and overall academic outcomes.

Through a review of multiple studies conducted in the context of Chinese education, we identify key components necessary for the success of online platforms, including personalized learning paths, real-time feedback mechanisms, and social interaction features. Personalized learning paths empower students by enabling them to select content and determine their learning pace, thereby increasing motivation and relevance in their studies. Similarly, real-time feedback enables learners to promptly assess their progress and make necessary adjustments to their learning strategies. Furthermore, social interaction features foster a sense of belonging and engagement, encouraging communication and collaboration, which are essential in the collectivist culture of China.

This article offers actionable recommendations for educators and online platform developers to enhance the implementation of self-directed learning in online education. By focusing on these strategies, we aim to improve learning outcomes, reduce disparities among learners, and advance the evolution of online educational practices in China. Ultimately, leveraging SDL within online environments can facilitate more effective learning experiences suited to the needs of diverse student populations in contemporary Chinese society.


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How to Cite

Brown, M., & Ma, R. (2025). Can Self Directed Learning Successfully Incorporated into Online Platforms . Journal of Modern Social Sciences, 2(1), 65–81.


